Sunday, March 16, 2008

People always talkin' 'bout your reputation


The S.O.S. Band’s “Just Be Good to Me” is a testament to delicious 80s decadence with a towering, grinding funk groove draped in a shimmering nebula of keyboards. Mary Davis has a rotten man, but she doesn’t whimper like all those other heartbroken divas: she’s all sass and fire. Her rotten man doesn’t even need to give up all his other girlfriends, as long as he is sweet to her. Meanwhile electronic drums blink and blonk, and basslines tumble down the funkiest of stairwells only to ascend triumphantly again. It’s even got woo-iee-woos.

The S.O.S. Band performing “Just Be Good to Me” on Soul Train:

It's a great song, but the 12” Extended Cut is where it's at. At 9 minutes and 2 seconds, it’s long enough for you to get into your thing. Drop it on 80s Night and watch the bones shatter. “Just Be Good to Me” is a Tower of Babel, uniting the people of the world… in dance—a groove so good, it’s practically an affront to God. And just as the Lord God Almighty prepares to strike it down, the bass solo (BASS SOLO!) kicks in and He decides the song is simply too cool for destruction and adopts it as His theme song.

The S.O.S. Band - Just Be Good to Me (12" Extended Cut) [ZShare]

This song is what the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man and the Statue of Liberty put on repeat when they make love.

Special thanks to XXjfg for opening my eyes.


Justin DLC said...

WOW! YouTube, song download, British blog link, AND a Ghostbusters reference. You're off to a great start.

I was thinking, to get us posting somewhat regularly, we can challenge each other to posts, like:


where we would pick our favorite (the best) first songs on groups' first albums. You know, like "My Name Is Jonas."

And then we do that once a week, to be posted every Sunday or some crap.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe Justin beat me to a post. *shakes fist* Damn him!!!!!! (notice my appropriate use of the "!" ) Oh well, I guess he is your music buddy and all that. Anyway, great start on what is sure to be an epic and prodigious blog!


Gwen said...

high-five fellow blog-o-sphere newcomer

high-five neon...

An Agent of Change said...

Matt, you better get posting. I'm missing my L-Field info feed.

Anonymous said...

Matt, are you ever going to post on this thing again? I want your musical knowledge. Don't make me have to eat your brain to gain it.